WP Rocket v3.11.2 WordPress Premium Plugin Free Download 2022

WordPress Premium Plugin: WP Rocket v3.11.2 Latest Version Free Download

About WP Rocket Premium Plugin v3.11.2

WP Rocket Premium Plugin Free Download is the most popular paid caching plugin for WordPress. Numerous other well known free reserve modules are accessible, as W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache, however WP Rocket isn’t a basic store module. This premium module has many elements that accomplish in excess of a customary free store module.

  1. This module offers bunches of customization settings like media advancement, pre-stacking, apathetic stacking, information base enhancement, and considerably more. It likewise works impeccably with all well known modules – Yoast SEO, Cloudflare, Sucuri, and numerous others.
  1. WP Rocket is for beginner bloggers or website admins who have no specialized information about reserving.
  2. Anybody can arrange this module in under 5 minutes, with no disarray. Ev.en in the event that you make no setting change, it will naturally apply all suggested and safe settings subsequent to enacting the WP Rocket module. Assuming your subject has bunches of CSS and Java-contents or HTML documents, then no need stress.
  3. WP Rocket likewise packs them and diminishes the page size without breaking your page. By and large, WP Rocket is the best reserving module for WordPress that supports your site’s exhibition.

Recommended SEO Plugin: Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Free Download

WP Rocket v3.11.2 WordPress Premium Plugin Free Download 2022
  1. Features of WP Rocket v3.11.2 Caching Plugin for WordPress
  2. Compatible with CDN
  3. Easy to configure and setup
  4. No technical knowledge required to use
  5. Works with all type of sites
  6. Easy to understand settings
  7. Automatically enables recommended settings on installation
  8. Lazy images, iFrames, and videos
  9. Files optimization supports
  10. Files compression support
  11. Custom cache lifespan
  12. Allows you to Prefetch DNS requests
  13. Forced cache refresh option
  14. Preloading of pages
  15. Preload URL’s from sitemaps
  16. GZip compressio2
  17. Optimization of Google fonts
  18. Preload cache support
  19. Reduce the size of the database by optimization
  20. Browser caching support
  21. Allows you to remove query strings
  22. Helps you to get 90+ Google page speed insights score
  23. Integration with Cloudflare
  24. Different cache for mobile site
  25. Improve the overall performance of the site
  26. Sales Page of WP Rocket v3.11.2 – WordPress Caching Plugin
  27. https://wp-rocket.me/

What’s New in WP Rocket v3.11.2 (Changelog)

  • Improvement: Update our postpone JS script (#4682)
  • Upgrade: Add extra prohibitions from minify JS (#4706, #4740, #4743, #4770)
  • Upgrade: Remove some superfluous data set inquiries done by WP Rocket on the administrator side (#1599)
  • outsider similarity: Prevent JS blunder while utilizing Elementor with consolidate JS (#4701)
  • 3r party similarity: Improve similarity while utilizing Elementor and explicit page CSS (#3327, #3426)
  • Eliminated OPCache cleansing from the module (#4439)
  • Improvement: Add extra prohibitions from JS minification (#4656, #4720)
  • Improvement: Add extra avoidances from defer JS execution (#4492)
  • Improvement: Add missing picture aspects on SVG pictures (#3727)
  • Bugfix: forestall JS blunder en post alter screen when load CSS nonconcurrently is empowered yet our metabox isn’t shown (#3395)
  • Bugfix: Prevent unforeseen avoidances when a URL contains feed (#2852)
  • Bugfix: Clean the busting catalog while cleansing the store (#3617)
  • Bugfix: Prevent preload of partners connects to stay away from expanded counts (#4586)
  • Bugfix: Improve rationale to eliminate the basic CSS when all the CSS have been stacked (#3009)
  • outsider similarity: Prevent reserving the help laborer URL while utilizing the PWA module (#3520)
  • outsider similarity: Improve similarity with the web stories module (#4724)
  • outsider similarity: Improve similarity with WCML (#4070)
  • outsider similarity: Update the similarity code for Kinsta (#4717)
  • Upgrade: Increase SVG lapse to 4 months in htaccess arrangement (#4603)
  • Upgrade: Add extra avoidances from concede JS (#4539, #4553, #4593)
  • Upgrade: Add extra prohibitions from minify JS (#4593, #4616, #4654)
  • Improvement: Add extra avoidances from postpone JS execution (#4611, #4654)
  • Upgrade: Update the WP tried variant worth from our API (#3570)
  • Improvement: Update the reestablishment flags showed on the settings page (#4627)
  • Bugfix: Prevent applying concede JS rejections to join JS when concede JS is incapacitated (#4089)
  • Bugfix: Add the missing picture aspect when only one of the aspect is characterized (#3523)
  • Relapse fix: Prevent eliminating IE contingent remarks when async CSS is empowered (#4639)
  • outsider similarity: Disable Google textual styles enhancement and minify JS on AMP pages (#4563)
  • outsider similarity: Exclude WhatsApp client specialist from reserve (#4507)
  • Improvement: prohibit extra examples from JS minification (#4227, #4364)
  • Improvement: prohibit extra examples from postpone JS execution (#4358, #4506, #4604)
  • Improvement: add another channel rocket_exclude_post_taxonomy to prohibit a post scientific categorization from store cleanse (#2820)
  • Bugfix: try not to add remarked out template joins into the