Generatepress Premium License Key for Free 2022

Hi guys how are you today i will give you,How to get Generatepress Premium License Key for Free in 2022.

Generatepress premium Theme with License key

| Generatepress Premium License key 2022

Its Free Totaly

GeneratePress Theme is additionally called GP Theme which is made by Tom Usborne living in Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Tom Usborne has been doing site planning.

Create Press Theme Version: 3.0.4 Review

o             Generate Press Theme Version: 3.0.4 Review

  • •             Generatepress Premium License Key for Free 2022
  • •             Generatepress theme with License key
  • •             Generatepress premium Theme with License key
  • •             Generatepress Theme survey
  • •             Generatepress Premium License key [2022]
  • •             GP Premium License key free
  • •             Produce Press Premium with key

•             Generatepress Premium License Key for Free [2022]

How to customize Generate Press Theme

How to create an online course tutorial video series website wow that is a long stretch there hi my name is Adam from WP crafter. 

where I release a ton of content to help you get better results with WordPress a faster if you’re new here consider clicking on the subscribe button and for video notifications, you can click on to the little bell off to the right and links to everything will be in the video description box.

so I’m Talking about lifter LMS this is the plugin we used to create the online course website that you find in this video tutorial series here and this is the organized playlist I’ll have a link to this in the video description box. 

if you have not been following along in order there are 22 videos here that go over every aspect of setting up an online course website using WordPress

now I’ve been asked a few times here’s what the website looks like and obviously, you can change anything colors and layout and everything we’re using Elementor for the pages here. 

but I did make some interesting choices in my color scheme I’ll be the one to admit that so you can see when I do the hover. 

Follow my Steps Guys

  • we’ve got this more of a feminine color and I’m going to show you how to change colors like that and the active color is that blue I’m going to show you how to change that and when you scroll into the footer. 
  • I’m going to show you how to change some of these colors right now if you remember we are using the generate press theme so if Igo to appearances and I click on a theme we have a generate press right here and a custom child theme.
  • Now here is the website to generate press now I do have a link in the video description box for this and if you did click on the link on a small amount of money from generate press.
  •  so the first and easiest option is to buy the Generatepress premium version of Generate press it’s only 40 bucks and it gives you more typography options on top of options that are all easy to implement in the customizer area of the word now.
  •  I’m not going to purchase it in this video and show you how to use the paid version I’m going to show you how to customize this without the paid version of perhaps. 
  • you don’t have it or don’t want to purchase it or are unable to soI I actually kind of touched on this a little bit in one of the videos where we were setting up everything.
  • It probably would have been this video right here the how to configure WordPress after installation most likely it would have been that one so but it was just a tiny bit at the end of the video.

Using Elemantor Plug-ing

  •  So here it is so with anything with WordPress when there’s a free version and then a paid version you could do all the stuff in the paid version in the free version. 
  • But you just have to get your hands a little bit dirtier and spend a little bit more of your time in order to accomplish what you want so in your WordPress installation under appearance you should have an option.
  • here that says edit err now if you don’t have these editor options typically maybe you have a security plug-in installed that is hiding it from you so that you don’t accidentally break something by going in there. 
  • I do know that the security theme does that and I talked a lot about how great that plug-in is and you might have it on my recommendation  Generatepress.
  • you’ll have to go into the settings of I theme security to disable this actual option I’m sure you could just google it.

Generate press premium theme speed so fast

It would come right up or just temporarily disabled the Generatepress theme security so that you can get back to the editor area right here so I’m Going to go ahead and click on it and we’re gonna see these files right here.

Now if you’re not using the child theme that I provided you’ll see something totally different this is just for the people using the child theme I provided to create the website and what we need to do is click on.

Where it says functions right here so I’m going to go ahead actually that’s the theme functions sorry I’m already making mistakes click on Generatepress theme functions, okay and we’re gonna see a bunch of code doesn’t worry about a lot of it here when you scroll down. 

Disclaimer :

It’s going to start to make sense for you so when we scroll down just a little bit we’re gonna see these options that look like this and they’re all kind of nice and organized there’s a bunch here.

I think there’s one more blah a bunch of them right here okay so you got these actually and you have another one these are all the settings that if you had the paid version you would have a visual interface to change.

but because we’re using the free version we have to change it back here so each of these blocks of settings each little line will do something ok.

genrate press theme with License Key

Extract The File