How to 10X faster windows 10 your pc using cmd

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In video description for an easier copy paste so be sure to check there as well now


Step 1: Change advanced power settings

  • In video description for easier steps How to 10X faster windows 10 your pc using cmd so be sure to check there as well now.
  • you can see it says something then ultimate performance in here that means we have successfully unlocked your new and powerful power plan windows 10.
  • So let’s head over to the power option settings in the control panel just go to the start menu search box and type i choose a power plan now click it and.
  • Here we are in the control panel power options window as you can see here we have the new and unlocked power plan the ultimate performance option so quickly choose it as your new default windows 10 Pc.
  • We haven’t done it yet we have to show you one more thing about your new power plant it could be even more useful to you. 
  • It’s nothing about boosting the performance further but you control it further as the way you please go ahead and click on the change plan settings for the ultimate performance power plan. 
  • From here choose change advanced power settings which will open this small window and this whole list of options will be revealed to you.

Step 2: Unwanted bloatware

  • So that you can make further adjustments to your new power plan for example you can control the processor power where you can dial in the preferred performance for your processor in between its maximum or minimum state.
  • You can go to the power button and it option and change your computer power button behavior you can program it to do any of these following tasks. 
  • Whenever you press them it will act accordingly play around with these settings and you might find more useful things.
  • Number five bloatware removal bloatware simply means unwanted software cmd or application included by the manufacturer.

When you buy a new computer and usually this happens when you buy laptops and in most cases, they will only be available for a trial period so many of them are rarely a useful or total waste. 

The most disappointing fact is that it will also take a part of your valuable storage as well so let’s head over and get rid of every unwanted bloatware to go to settings by pressing the windows key plus i on your keyboard. 

This time go to apps now navigate to the apps and features submenu now find the bloatware once you’ve found it click uninstall.

How to 10X faster windows 10 your pc using cmd

Step 3 : Change important settings by popping a dialog box

  • Click it again and there we go now do this to every other bloatware and you’re done
  • Number six disable user account control windows 2 always wants to warn you. 
  • Whenever you install a program or change important settings by popping a dialog box and making you click ok to continue do you ever think. 
  • Why even bother by warning you when you already know what you’re doing great question just disable user account control to end these endless annoying pop-up dialog boxes.
  • Fill the flow to do that search user account control in your search box near the start button now click on the change user account control settings.
  • Which will bring you to this window now slide this bar all the way down to narrow notify now click ok and just see the warning pop up for one last time click ok to continue. 
  • There we go no more warnings let me tell you this particular step may not increase your performance like the other steps on the video but it makes things seem a little bit faster so only do if you want number 7 windows updates.


Restart your computer

Step 4 : Disk cleanup unnecessary

  • I know it sounds silly but an outdated system may cause serious performance issues so it’s a thing that you should take into consideration 
  • If you are looking for serious performance out of your windows 10 pc so let me show you how to do that as fast as possible
  • If you are new to windows 10 just press the Windows key plus I on your keyboard which will launch the windows settings and from here go to update and security now under the submenu windows update 
  • you’ll find a button called to check for update click on it 
  • It will be checking for the newest windows update and will be installed automatically if anything is available
  • In case if you don’t know it might require a system restart in order to get a new update in its full effect number eight clean c drive disk cleanup is a windows default utility 
  • which helps you to clean unnecessary files from your local disks. It can be used to clean any of the local disks that are showing you 

Step 5 : Unwanted items speed up your Pc

  • How to clean your drive because this is a performance-oriented video. We said cleaning up your c drive will definitely have a positive impact on your system performance. 
  • So let me show you how to do that real quick go to the search box and search disk clean app and click on it. 
  • Which will open up this tiny new window. From here choose c drive and click ok and you will see this window as you can see there are already some items are ticks to be cleaned by default.
  • If you want you can go with the default but we are selecting each and every item listed here and once you did that click on the Clean up system files button. 
  • Under here now we run a quick scan and once it is finished you can see it found some more unwanted items scroll down and tick through all of them.
  • Once you did click ok and you will be asked are you sure if you want to permanently delete these files so click on delete files and you will be freed from all of the Jenks from under collected over the years number 10x speed up shutdown.
  • It is true that over the years windows have improved and changed dramatically it can boot up pretty much fast as well but when it comes to shutdown or restarting your modem windows 10 computer will take time.